Fascinated by the charm of the wheel and the magic of clay, Puigmigliore presents its latest table lamp, designed and handcrafted in its own workshop.

Immersed in the era of artificial intelligence and a robotised society, they have considered the need to reconnect with reality. For this reason, they have chosen to work with a natural material, clay. This has helped them to be more connected to the earth in some way.

The final result is a simple, refined and organic product. By combining the solids of revolution with the domed surfaces, the light source is hidden. Concealed and indirect, it avoids any kind of glare. The curved and rounded lines convey the slow life trend, a feeling of peace free from all superficial elements.

Terra lighting collection is made up of two table models, made entirely of ceramic and available in 3 different shades. These three colour ranges allow the generation of a variety of light tones emitted by the reflections of the surfaces, an interesting proposal that focuses on the quality of the craftsmanship and its possibilities. White and the two neutral sand tones are the protagonists of this colour palette, valued for the feeling of calm they transmit.

Each lamp is made by hand and without using moulds, which makes each piece unique and singular.

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